On this day, 68 years ago, World War II ended when Japan surrendered unconditionally to the Allies.   Just sharing a few comments from “Mollie’s War” when my mother was stationed in Versailles as the announcement came through….. On August 9, Mollie wrote to her sister:  “Must say, though that one spectacular thing did occur and that was the announcement of Russia’s declaring war on Japan, which …was announced on the dance floor by the band leader.  I am wondering how that announcement and the certain (I hope) early defeat of Japan will affect us individually.” Then just a few days later, she wrote again:  “Yes, I heard about Japan’s defeat but it won’t affect our stay here—that’s what they tell us.  However, it is great news, Beck.” Even one of her friends wrote:  “I wrote you before that reception on the phone here is very bad.  That’s why I couldn’t understand you yesterday when you were trying to tell me about the peace rumors.   Then just after I finished talking to you our signal message center received the teleprint about the offer of surrender.  We quit work for the rest of the afternoon.  I was busy, too, but said the hell with it.”